
Coaches and trainers know the importance of warming up before each session. It helps to prepare the body for exercise so injuries can be avoided and the exerciser can gradually work themselves up to a sweat. However, if you’re training at home or on the road, you may not always have a lot of space or equipment available. You need something that can deliver a lot of bang for your buck in this type of situation, and the NT Loop does just that.

Today I want to share with you a great 4-exercise warm up that can be done practically anywhere to address all the key areas of the body. Using the red NT Loop, you can transition from one move to the next without needing any other equipment. Here are the exercises in the sequence:

  1. NT Loop Hip Bridges for 10-20 reps
  2. X-Band Walks for 15-20 reps each side
  3. Band Pull Aparts for 15-20 reps
  4. Reverse Lunges with Rotation and Scapular Retraction for 8-10 reps each side

Run that 1 time through and you’ll be good to go.

Check out the video below for the demonstration:

-Coach Nick